Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Club House

The club house 7/24/2013

Come look in the window
And tell me what you see
Because this is a time for pictures
That deceive the eye
And try the soul.

These truly are, the days
When everything is upside down
Where evil is called good
And good, called evil.

Where liars are protected
And the good silenced
Intimidated with threats
Or bought off with bribes.

So many have cowered
Because they have families to protect
Struggling for a future
That no longer exists.

I feel for them
And I have seen their faces
Pinched in pain
Downcast and discouraged.

All they worked for lost
And all their dreams wasted
For all the wrong reasons
At all the wrong times.

I know what it feels like
To be forgotten and rejected
But I am not the first
And I am not the last.

But it should come as no surprise
That the world rejects
What it does not understand
And knows not
The spirit in our hearts.

This world prefers the outward
And it prefers the shallow
Those without a conscience
And those without a soul.

Favoring those who will play the game
And surrender their values
Negotiating behind closed doors
Stabbing the good in the back
And forfeiting every loyalty.

This is their world
And this is what they are
But this is not for me
And it is not for you.

I pray for you also
Even if
I know not your name
As we are linked together
In a different kind of world
Unseen and unacknowledged.

Give them theirs
And let them have it
As they revel in its glory
And sink in its horror.

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