Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hitting the Mark

Hitting The Mark 7/18/2013

The words of poets
Can stir the blood
And the words of prophets
Can move your heart.

But memory; unconscious or conscious
Pulls us backwards with longing
As we continually search for the perfect peace
That we once had
But lost.

Deep down we remember
And lament the loss
Because we have been known
And understood
Long ago and far away.

Collectively remembered
But misunderstood
Especially if our thoughts
Are stuck in concrete,
Literal, and dumb.

The fire burns bright
In those who seek
Because if you look
You will find
Everything you ever knew.

Some will never know
And that is okay with me
Because free will is what we have
Either for good
Or for evil.

Some choose the easy road
The one that leads to death
Short sighted, and dimwitted
Never accepting responsibility
Or blame.

Things fall apart
And things come undone
But a wise man learns
And remembers
What he can do.

No man can change another
But we can always change ourselves
Either reaching higher
Or slithering in the dirt.

Life isn’t always fair
And yes the world
Has called good evil
And evil they have called good
But good can grow from nothing
And the Lord has conquered all.

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