Monday, April 1, 2013

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Image 4/1/2013

Nothing remains
That we have not seen
And nothing rises
That is not dead.

If you can imagine the day
Then it will come
And if you keep on thinking
Maybe you will see.

Consider the bones
Buried in the ground
Staring back at us
Deep dark and vacant.

What did they see
And what did they know
Crying out in the night
For anyone to hear.

We are no better
And we are no wiser
Even though we have their words
And we have their DNA.

They also had hearts
And they also made choices
Giving in and giving up
In a million small degrees.

They also watched the lines blur
As greed replace virtue
Escaping into hedonism
As their civilization dissolved
And their frontiers collapsed.

So what do we see
And what do we know
When the truth is forbidden
And eyes are everywhere.

If we were born with rights
Then who gave them to me?
And If God gave them
Who shall take them away?

It is no secret
And history lasts forever
If you know where to look
And know how to think.

If we are alive
Then we must learn
Or face the end
Twice as dumb,
Foolish, and forgotten.

You can't bet on tomorrow
If you cannot control today
Content to focus inwards
As you fall all over yourself.

They can have my words
But they can't have my bones
Hidden away
Where they will never find them
Or ever know who I was.

I will have them back
And we will have our place
Invincible, glorious,
Steep, and mighty.

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