Friday, April 19, 2013


Smithereens 4/19/2013

Spin me a yarn
Or tell me story
Anything they think will work
And anything they think
Will deceive.

The is the dawn of extinction
And this is the cup
That we have poured
And now we shall drink deeply
The blood of grapes.

The words were blurry
But now they are distinct
Brighter, bolder
And screaming on the wall.

There is no other reason
Than to sink a ship
And there is no other justification
Than hatred
And envy.

Overcrowded and heavy
We founder in the water
Flooded on purpose
From the outside in.

Who has done this?
And what is the reason?
Nothing but temporary convenience
And cancerous hatred.

Unhinged the world spins wildly
And falls upon the innocent
Crushing the many
By the silence of a few.

The truth is out
But some will never believe it
Blinded by emotional ignorance
And propaganda.

They laugh and dance with glee
But their own hatred
Shall swallow them whole
Entrapped by their own snares
They shall all disappear.

The black flag is raised
And the price is death
As the opportunists circle
And the scavengers wait.

But this world is dying
And with it
Shall perish all the beasts
Who never knew
And never understood.

Woe again to those
Who call evil good
And good they call evil
Trapped in darkness
Now and forever.

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