Thursday, April 18, 2013

Double or Nothing

Double or Nothing 4/18/2013

Tragedy happens
And so also does loss
Punching you in the stomach
Without warning
And doubling you over
In pain.

The world that I knew
And all that I dreamed
Has all but disappeared
Sinking into the cold dark waters
Miles below my feet.

My plans, and my goals
Did not come to pass
And all that was left
Was survival
And continued humiliation.

My name was taken
And ruined beyond repair
Sold for scrap
And traded for nothing.

And no chance was ever missed
To remind me
About all that I have given
And all that I lost.

Discarded and forgotten
And passed over
Time and again
For reasons unknown
But somehow justified.

I asked to understand
And I asked for decency
But I never received either
And I guess I never will.

My blood was gushing out
But the only help I got
Was a band aide
And a hug
All gone and washed away.

I sunk far down below
No matter how much I struggled
Without a hand to lift
Or a line to grab.

They wished me death
And never missed a beat
Watching my every movement
To see if I would slip.

Ready to write me off
And ready to erase my memory
Hoping that I would fail
And die in a hole.

They write about the end
As if they know it
And they describe the autopsy
As if they were there.

But they are blind
And they are foolish
As they please each other
And think they are God.

But we shall rise
And do it all again
Because if it has happened once
It will happen again.

When we return
They will scatter like dust
Blown away
And turning to mud.

You can look east
And you can look west
But its behind your back
Where the damage is done.

Every day the story changes
And every day the picture morph
Just as obvious as the sun
The who and the why.

Men without a conscience
Never pause or doubt
Willing to lie, steal or murder
Just to get what they want.

But the truth is changeless
And God is everywhere
Unraveling every plot
And exposing every lie.

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