Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Open Casket

Open Casket 4/17/2013

So evil shows its face
In the glee of the hateful
And the wishes of the damned
Hidden for the longest time
And now finally coming out.

No longer do they hide
Behind any modicum of politeness
Sensing the change from the top
To the bottom
They emerge from the shadows
Spewing acid and bile.

The guilty are not punished
And their bloody goals obfuscated
As terror becomes a secret
And the truth becomes a crime.

Weakness makes the jackal bolder
As he circles and growls our name
Unprotected and undefended
By the few
The many are exposed.

The magician uses distraction
To divert our attention
So that we never see
The sleight of hand
That fools us every time.

But the passage of centuries
Have not hidden
The words and the aim
To conquer, plunder, and steal
Anyway they can.

The world is a puzzle
With many different pieces
And while we pick out the shiny ones
The others, shift, and sizzle.

I am the hated
But it will not change a thing
Because I am not afraid
And I will not be defeated.

Death has no hold
And death has no teeth
But silence and complicity
Has eroded our faith
And murdered our spirit.

Beware the masks are off
And fall to the floor
Showing all who can see
The good and the evil.

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