Monday, April 22, 2013

Flicker Flash

Flicker Flash 4/22/2013

The light inside the mind
Flickers in the distance
As man surrenders his birth
And surrenders his control.

We who have moved around
Of our own will and reason
Are nothing without the power
To think
And to choose.

Becoming nothing more
Than an animal
Placed on a path
For success or for failure
Without any effort
Or desire
Of his own.

Going through the motions
And waiting for his food
Like a dog growling over a dish
That someone else
Has made.

Waiting for the master
To decide how much we're worth
Lapping up whatever it is,
That they are selling
And believing it as truth.

And what advice can a man give?
If he has never tried
And he has never lived
Because living is more than breathing
Or existing.

The lazy will give up a future
And sell themselves as slaves
Never knowing or understanding
The surrender that they have made.

There is more than one way
To starve the beast
And there are still more choices left
Than what anyone might think.

We can always choose
Where we go
And what we do
Who we feed
And what we support.

We can knock on the door of heaven
And ask
And we can keep on knocking
No matter how long it takes.

This too shall all pass
And there shall be peace enough
For those who stand
For what is good,
And what it true.

In countless ways
We can choose to reject
All that is wrong
And start the whole world
All over again.

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