Monday, April 8, 2013

Creeping Shadows

Creeping Shadows 4/8/2013

No two people are alike
And this life
Is a gift
To be relished
And shared.

When we are born
Our parents hold us
Nurturing us
Either for the better
Or the worse.

There is nothing greater than love
And nothing stronger than family
That instills in us the desire
To be free and unique.

Charting out a life
That maximizes our talents
And hones our abilities
Preparing us for a world
Filled with promise
And peril.

What kind of man
Would seek to limit
Their potential?
And what kind of horror
Would communal control bring?

Holding us back from innovation
And forcing conformity
Brining all of man down
To mediocrity and serfdom.

The gift has been great
But so also is the price
That we must fiercely resist
Any effort to control.

The defenseless need guidance
To ignite the flame
So that we may
Always seek
And always learn.

Unafraid of obstacles
And undeterred by threats
Ruthlessly questioning everything
And most of all

Darkness shall always seek
To extinguish the flame
Crushing spirits
Every chance they get.

Fight it
With all your strength
All your spirit
And all your soul.

In the end
We belong to no one
Except ourselves
And God.

The defenseless
Look to us for protection
And he who stands it now
Shall live forever.

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