Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Drop by Drop

Drop by drop 4/16/2013

Another drop through the glass
And another day to kill
Just another side step
But you should know the drill.

Reality floats by
Unseen and unheard
Passing by like a shadow
Behind your back.

Gone in a second
And vanished forever
Hiding behind the curtain
As we look up
And the killer ducks down.

You can’t always believe
Everything you hear
But habits and history
Always point in the same direction
The same as they always have.

We all have appetites
And we all have reasons
But some thirst for blood
And the more innocent,
The better.

Come look, and see the truth!
And come and ask the questions!
The kind no one hears
And no one wants to answer.

The skies light up
And blood covers the moon
Just another day dream
On my way to somewhere else.

Someone left the door open
And many have closed their eyes
Fortifying themselves
And shutting us out.

Spin me a tale
And see if I believe it
Because everything falls apart
If you don’t stay awake.

This is today and tomorrow
Is here
Another day to live
And another day to dread.

The future unwinds
As our efforts unravel
But even though they laugh
It is their world
And not mine.

Death doesn’t hurt a bit
But a thousand cuts
Will bleed
Dragging out the misery
As long as they can.

The blind refuse to see
The gruesome truth
Staring them in the face
And spurting blood all over.

Same as it ever was
And same as it is
Determined, cruel,
And, never satisfied.

But, I also hunger
And, I also wait
With blood in my mouth
And death in my eyes.

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