Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Torn 4/2/2013

What good is anything
If you can’t make it art
And what art is better
Than something different
And off center.

People try to make things perfect
But they will never succeed
Achieving nothing but a cover
Shallow, thin, and transparent.

Devoid of character
And without a soul
Predictable, pedestrian,
Boring, and cold.

Man imitating man
Like a monkey in a tree
Wasting his time and effort
And nothing
That lasts.

Everything that is easy
And everything that is safe
Is nothing but a joke
As useless as ashes
Floating away in smoke.

Everything ages
And everything falls apart
Pitted, damaged, and destroyed
By the ravages of time.

Time speeds up
Until it runs out
Looping over
Until it starts all over again.

There is nothing better
Than to create
To tilt things on their side
And make them new again.

If it doesn’t work the first time
Then just set it aside
And come back later
To look at it again.

Rip it
Spike it
Paint it
And destroy it.

Whatever it takes
To be what we are
Anything but normal
And anything but average.

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