Monday, April 29, 2013

Black Birds

Black Birds 4/29/2013

A diamond lies in the dust
On the dark side of the moon
In perfect silence
Cold, dark, and pure.

Above and beyond
An indifferent earth
Turning slowly over
And roasting in the sun.

Living in the seasons
And dying on the vine
The bitter fruit of pride
Spoiled, bitter, and wasted.

Just because we have not seen it
Doesn’t mean that it’s not there
And just because we have no future
Doesn’t mean
That God doesn’t care.

What good is thought
That needs to ask permission?
And what good is logic
If it leads to slavery?

I’ll take my chances
With the gift of wisdom
Rather than a promise or a check
Signed, sealed and delivered
With a smile and wink.

Did they think
I was finished?
And did they think
I was dead?

Excusing themselves
And forgetting the past
Writing off their books
And closing all the files.

But time has looped around
And now I am here
More than what I was
Clenching my fists
And flashing my teeth.

I am here
And I am ready
With all of my dead friends
Circling like blackbirds
Over the earth.

Diving, swooping
And rising higher and higher
Calling out their names
Over and over again.

Nothing is settled
And nothing is over
With hell to pay
And all eternity to wait.

Making the turns
And picking up speed
Faster and faster
Free and alive.

With nothing to lose
And the whole world to gain
The wind rushing by
Pure, cold, and clear.

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