Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bleeding Through

Bleeding Through 4/30/2013

They have held me up
And frozen me in space
Like a specimen in a jar
For a laugh and joke.

The world begs for answers
But always rejects the truth
Careening from one day to the next
Without ever learning a thing.

No matter how many times you say it
A lie is still a lie
And no many how many excuses are given
Every decision counts.

The great experiment is over
And the great extinction has begun
As we douse ourselves in gasoline
And light up
A cigarette.

You can tell me story
And you can make it good or bad
Using me or using them
To freeze and burn.

Everyone can see
But no one does a thing
All singing and laughing
As we drive off a cliff.

But real men breathe
And the truth endures
Hidden under a glacier
Far away from here.

There is no need to guess
What difference it could make
When you are left to twist
And die in the wind.

Because that is what happens
When the odds turn
And it’s no longer convenient
To stand with your friends.

And that is what happens
When all the money is gone
And everyone forgets
All you did
And all you lost.

Running away
In an instant
To ride out the storm
And cry on your casket
After you are dead.

Blaming you
And hiding the truth
Just to cover up
All they never did.

The first shall be the murdered
And the forgotten heroes
Standing alone
Without any help.

But even cowards
Grow old and die
Frozen and gray.

Who else shall remember?
What it is
That they did
Always ready to take the credit
And drink the grapes
In the sun.

The surge is coming
And the choice is risky
Bleeding through the white wash
For everyone to see.

But it doesn’t matter
How many shall fail
Because it’s far too late
Just to sit and watch.

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