Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Monster 4/3/2013

I painted my hands silver
And photographed them
On black velvet
For no reason at all
And just because I am alive.

Life is full of angles
And we are constantly moving
Because we were meant to create
And we were meant to burn.

I broke down the door
And then I had to fix it
But it felt good
To unleash the monster
Even if it hurt.

Not everything has an explanation
And even random kindness
Should be cherished
Not because it is appreciated
But because it is right.

The world
And all its glamour
Is but a fraction of the past
So let’s use it all up
And throw it all away.

No one is going to remember
What I said
Or what I did
But we will live with ourselves

So let today unravel
Because tomorrow may never come
Knowing that we have forever
And living without regret.

Fearlessly searching
For truth
Defying man
And death.

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