Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Empty Spot

The Empty Spot 4/10/2013

Some days drag by
Incredibly warm, stale, and dead
Lingering on at room temperature
And just as pointless
As they began.

We build houses
And then let them rot
Eaten away from the inside out
Right under our noses
And right under our feet.

The storms come
And the winds drive by
Mold grows and multiplies
Every day, and everywhere.

But nothing lasts longer
Than a dark night of the soul
When sleep never comes
And the terrors commence.

And you are afraid to turn over
And face the empty spot
Where once you were held
And belonged.

Knowing that every day
Will be the same
Nothing but a long slide
Into oblivion and death.

It makes your throat tighten
And your heart race
While your thoughts turn to desperation
And impending doom.

I can remember the feeling
As I lay in the bed
Sweating through the sheets
Willing to give up everything
For an hour of blackness.

Morning comes
And so also does love
At the last possible moment
When we surrender our heart.

Sometimes God finds us
And plucks us out of hell
Lifting us up
For reasons
We do not know.

Tragedy shakes the soul
And want straightens our pride
But loss breaks us down to nothing
Just where, we needed to be.

Ripe for growth
And open for change
At last, willing to believe
Without reservation, or fear.

What can man do to me?
And what inevitable end
Should we fear?
When all of this is temporary,
And gone in a day.

We can still stretch out our hand
And we can still hold out hope
Embracing each other
Without restraint or fear.

The world can have my head
And throw it down the stairs
Trashing my name and reputation
If it makes them feel better.

They can think
They have won
But even this shall pass
All the way to Hades.

Morning shall come
And we shall all be together
Shining like the sun
And happy forever.

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