Friday, March 29, 2013

knock knock

The Doorway 3/29/2013

Haunted houses
Have soul
And even though they crumble
The memory lasts forever.

I came from a haunted town
But even the ghosts had to leave
Because no one was left
To touch or hold.

We took down the chandelier
But had to cut the cords in attic
Gently lowering it to the floor
And into a truck.

As long as I can remember
It hung above our heads
Now it is probably hanging somewhere
That I will never know.

Nothing lasts forever
Neither, family, security, or warmth
All of it, gone in a second
And spent in a day.

We are all rotten
Because we died on the inside first
Hollowed out and caving in
Like rotted fruit
Mushy and ruined.

All for a lie
And all for a joke
Because no one had the courage
To stand for the truth.

We pay respects every day
But only to the undeserving
While neglecting our own
To languish and rot.

It is hard to imagine
All that was lost
Unless you try and remember
Who you were
And what you saw.

The uncomfortable truth
That hurts coming out
But in the end is like
Food for the soul
And bread in your gut.

I found a door in a pile of trash
Deeply carved with leaded glass
Dark, heavy, and just as beautiful
As when it was hung
Many decades ago.

I carried it home
And gave it a bath
Careful not to disturb
The patina of the past.

I shall use it as a reminder
Of all the doors I knew
But could never keep
More beautiful in memory
Than anything remaining.

Hold onto love
And wait another second longer
Finding a new way to appreciate
Everything they are.

All things age
But we can all choose how
Either with contentment
And dignity
Or careless debasement.

I shall knock on the door
And it shall be opened
Drawing me backwards
And home
At last.

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