Thursday, April 25, 2013


Blue 4/25/2013

Things don’t always work out
And that’s the way it is
When victory remains
Just inches from reach
Of our cold dead hands.

Sometimes we are fortunate
And sometimes we are not
But if that is all the difference
Then we might as well all
Go out in a hail of bullets
Exploding like fireworks
In the sky.

But life is also tedious
And life is also a bore
Slowly unfolding
In a million thoughtless hours
At the sink
And in our cars.

I am just another guy
Taking up space
Getting in the way
And overstaying my welcome.

Unable and unwilling
To take the hint and leave
Wasting your time
And prolonging our misery.

But what if there is more
Than everything we think?
And what if there is something greater
Than everything we feel?

Something that explain
The code written in my genes
And a reasonable solution
To all the horror and waste.

Because if there is no answer
Then there is no reason
And if there is no reason
Then nothing else matters.

If I cannot think
And I cannot choose
Then my feelings are a pain
That should be masked and subdued.

Because pain means nothing
Without growth or learning
And loss is torture
Without the possibility
Of gain.

Without evil
There can be no good
And without judgment
There is no hope.

My life ends
Even if I try
And even if I struggle
Gone in like a rain drop
Falling into the sea.

But I know
That there is more
And that is why I ask
And that is why I pray.

That everything we suffer
Is remembered
And everything we lose
And tallied up
For us to gain.

That we will not remain
Just a piece of trash
Walking around unwanted
And ashamed.

God has claimed me
Because I said yes
Redeeming me
Once and forever.

And when I walk
It will be with head held high
No better and no worse
Than any and all.

Ready to give
All that I have learned
A faithful servant
Purified by fire.

I will have
And I will hold
Never again forgotten
Rejected or alone.

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