Friday, April 5, 2013

Just Waiting

Just Waiting 4/5/2013

You can think
Whatever you want
But it’s easier to believe
Than it is
To give up.

We can control our own destiny
Or sit on our hands
Waiting for someone else
To help
Or to blame.

Things may work out
Or maybe they won’t
But there is no sense in waiting
Just to know
How it ends.

The time to wait
Was yesterday
When we were sleeping
And did not know.

But time is a luxury
That no one can afford to lose
More precious than gold
And more important
Than we know.

What is here
Is what we have
And all that we have
Is each other.

After everything is gone
What will the children mourn
Would it be a theory?
Or would it be a family?

I also know
And I remember the feeling
When I tried so hard to save
Everything I had
And everything I was.

We all need love
And we all need the feeling
Of knowing we are accepted
Just as we are
And ever could be.

I have not forgotten
And no matter how hard I try
Nothing can ever replace
What I had
And what I have.

All that we have
Is enough to last forever
Close enough to touch
And right In front
Of our eyes

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