Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sacred Souls

Sacred Souls 5/1/2013

We shall return
To where we belong
No matter how long it takes
Or how far the journey.

We live on a straight line
Be we will learn to bend it
And loop it over
To get back
And make it right.

We are not the same
And that is a good thing
Intended to complement one another
And share forever.

The light once turned on
Can never completely die
Even though many would squash it
And go dark forever.

They are the people of the lie
The kind that crush spirits
And seek to control
Setting up who they want
And putting down
Who they choose.

They do everything they can
To convince you
That it’s all over
Because they want you to give up
Roll over and die.

They like to bully
And they like to argue
Hurling derision at anyone who speaks
And lashing out
At all that is beautiful
And lasting.

What have they created?
Except death and disease
And what do they really crave?
Nothing but blood
And death.

The light has gone dormant
But the flame has never died
Building beneath the surface
And ready to burn
Brighter than the sun.

In a thousand small ways
Never give up
And never give in
Resisting every attempt
To crush and control.

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