Monday, December 1, 2014

Gully Washer

Gulley Washer 12/1/2014

Water runs down
To find the lowest point
As it drips and trickles
Until it stops.

Nothing lasts forever
And neither will this
But the high water must always crest
Before it subsides.

Leaving behind
Death, mud, and disease
Rotting from the inside out
Everything we made.

I hope you are watching
Because it’s important to know
That the truth is out there
If you have the courage
To know. 

People can be deluded
And some can be blind
But no matter what is said
Or what his hidden
The truth remains.

A straight line holds the answer
If you can follow it through
Heading backwards to the source
And discerning what it means. 

But truth in the face of tyranny
Requires courage and sacrifice
As many as the deluded
And the dumb.

Following like sheep
And lashing out like fools
Unwilling to grow
And change. 

A wise man
Is a cautions man
Keeping his distance
And watching his back. 

I don’t feed the beast
And neither should you
So let it twist slowly
And die.   

Cut off forever
And cursed from within
The evil of men
Proud and vicious.

Someone signed the papers
And someone else sold us away
Down the river
And over the falls.  

Every ending has a beginning
And this one started long ago
How dumb and foolish we were
And how lost we are. 

Should have seen it coming
But no one ever does
Not until you suffer
And many die along the way.

Overlooked and hidden
Each and every day
Posted on in hidden paragraphs
If its mentioned at all.  

But the truth remains
No matter what we do
As we box ourselves in a corner
With no way out. 

When times were good
We have always forgotten
And now like then
We pay the price. 

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