Friday, December 19, 2014

Ship of Fools

 Ship of Fools 12/19/2014

Life is worth nothing
Without courage
and Convictions
Nothing but a clump of cells
Eating, and dying.

If you run
Your enemies are emboldened
And what good are friends
When you are abandoned,
And undefended. 

It gets worse
But never better
As the snake tightens its coils
Around all our necks. 

For some,
Nothing has changed
But they live on borrowed time
And by the time, they wake up
It’s already too late. 

A whole world has disappeared
But some, don’t even know
Glued to glowing screens
Reflecting lives
That were never true at all. 

The streets are boarded up
And what was once quaint
Is now a war zone
Slowly rotting from neglect  
And decay. 

The signs are alien
And the people guarded
Hurrying down empty sidewalks
Past long neglected Victorians
Crumbling before our eyes.

We are silent
And good to a fault
Following the rules
That kill us
Every single day. 

The children cry out
But we do not hear
Numb to the violence
All the time,
And everywhere.

Lord, we are waiting
As I add up, all their names
Trying hard to remember
Each and every one.

Save us, from this evil
Growing like a tumor
Infecting everything
And everyone.

Come quickly
And rescue what is left
As even now, you hold the good
In the palm of your hand.  

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