Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Star Shoot

Star Shoot  12/3/2014

I looked up
At the chandelier
Dripping crystallized icicles
Hanging like daggers
Over our heads.

Sparkling, shinning
And reflecting light
In random patterns
On our faces. 

Beauty and drama
Are everywhere
Attacking us in brilliant red
Or burning our eyes
In neon yellow.

We can sit back
And let is wash over
Feeling the passion
Or the calm. 

Spaghetti on a child’s face
And the smell of burning leaves
In the backyard
Something beautiful
And something messy. 

Life is like that
Even in monotony
And drudgery
As minor details
Scream at us
To notice or to run. 

Sometimes life is a straight line
Dotted with traffic lights
In an endless see of cars
But just as often it is the lonely roads
Twisting through the hills. 

Each of us
Will make some u turns
And end up
Where we started
But even that is okay
If you learned along the way. 

We look out the window
And watch the exits fly by
Always wondering where we should go
And if we should stay. 

But there are no easy answers
And that’s okay as well
Because we live it through anyway
And pay the price
For every mistake. 

We lose and we win
But either way
We survive
Keeping  the best crystals
Glittering in our minds.

My eyes have seen greater things
And I remember all the feelings
As if they were yesterday
All precious jewels
That I can never lose. 

Someday we will have it all
And look backwards with a smile
Holding all the best
Like fireflies in a jar. 

We will travel the stars
And never lose a thing
As we live and share
Without regret
Or tears.

For now, I will pray
But for then
Is what I ask
That we will all be together
In a cold, deep, and clear

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