Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Free Form

Free Flow 12/16/2014

If you follow the script
Then someone has to lose
But it’s never the powerful
And never the guilty.

It changes with the wind
Because there is no loyalty among thieves
As we follow the day dreams of mad men
With insatiable greed. 

The fix is always in
Before they light up their cigars
Saying one thing to you
And another
Behind your back. 

The booty is divided
And given away as favors
Bought and sold in a day
And set out to drift. 

You never see it coming
The horrible destruction
As its always decided
Behind closed doors. 

Being good is no protection
And being loyal means nothing
Not to the corrupt
And not to the damned. 

Our work makes us nothing
But a hamster in a wheel
Because the end justifies the means
In revolutions per minute. 

Its anybody’s guess
When all of it ends
As the cogs break off
And the gears seize. 

There are days when you are needed
And there are days when you are not
But in the end
It is the pliable
That matters most. 

Easily led
And easily bought
Corrupted with the scraps
And disposed of at will. 

There it is
The truth and the lie
As to what has been done
And what it to come. 

Everything is temporary
And everything’s for show
All to say what we did
And how much we gave.  

But it is the heart
That matters most
The one thing they cannot see
And will never understand. 

The heart and the soul
The spirit and the mind
Greater in possibility
Than can be measured
In a line. 

All it takes is faith
And the willingness to risk
Faithful and unafraid
Courageous and true. 

Let them awaken
One by one
And two by two
Stronger than ten thousand
The good and the true. 

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