Thursday, December 18, 2014


Overflow 12/18/2014

The speakers should listen
And the listeners should speak
About things no one has heard
Long buried and forgotten. 

Muffled voices cry out
Moaning in their sleep
Ignored like they never lived
And silenced six feet deep.

They are the truth
Inconvenient and horrific
While we watch television
Fixed, dumb and fake. 

The world burns
Because the good do nothing
While evil men fiddle
Protected and smug. 

The innocent are forgotten
And the guilty worshipped
Propped up by lies
And narcissistic dreams. 

The shoe can drop
Or the hammer can fall
But you had better watch out
Because we are on our own.    

They will look the other way
While it all comes down
Focused on a delusional reality
Scripted and dead.

Childish, infantile and deranged
They see, only what they want
And nothing else
Nothing more than robots
That produce nothing, but pain.

The world is a circus
Played out
To keep us asleep
Laughing at absurdities
Quiet, docile, and dumb.

Evil never sleeps
And evil men are persistent
Never missing an opportunity
To twist, bind, and murder. 

Come everyone home
And embrace what is good
Because tomorrow we may fight
Just to preserve
And survive. 

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