Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Wood Pile

The Wood Pile 11/10/2014

If I could change it I would
But I live in the same barriers
As everyone else
So all we do is 
Just keep on going
And crying. 
We stand at the side
And frantically wave our arms
Trying to stop a train
From barreling off a cliff.

But, there is no antidote
And there is no cure
As we watch with dawning horror
A completely avoidable disaster. 

Evil murders
And evil takes
Robbing the good
And raping the innocent. 

Taking everything
And producing nothing
The opportunistic horde
That everyone ignores. 

No one has ever changed
If they could not accept reality
And the prospects of our descendants
Is not improved
By corruption or invasion.    

We precariously stand on an edifice  
That we did not choose
Built on a burning platform
We never approved.  

The wood is rotten
And consumed quickly
By countless termites
From the inside out.
Words are cheap
And argument futile
If no one can see the obvious
Growing every single day. 

Hatred, violence,  
And terror all continue
Growing in scope,
Brazen and cruel. 

But who will stand
For the truly defenseless?
And who will defend
The truly innocent?

Cowardly, dumb,
Ignorant and greedy
The foolish pretend that all is well
While the world burns
And hope fades. 

The courageous are abandoned
And left to die
While the powerful rest in comfort
And lie every day.    

Without truth
Everything is worthless
And everything is cheap
Worthless, temporary
Disposable and dead. 

Words are only words
And tears are only tears
As we claw at each other 
For all the wrong reasons.

The joy is gone 
And our spirits are crushed
By the inevitable monotony 
Of sterile correctness.   

But God is always close 
To the broken hearted 
And he shall heal every wound
Even you 
And even me.  

We matter to him 
And he sees all 
Without respect for lies
Or excuses.   


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