Friday, December 12, 2014


Fire breather 12/12/2014

Dumb, mute, and foolish
The suicidal tendencies
Of the self-absorbed
And shallow.

Pseudo intellectuals
Wholly without truth
Or historical precedent
Criticizing everything 
And producing nothing.  

Even a fool, can learn
But just because we are educated
Does not mean
That we are intelligent
Or wise. 

Wishy washy and foolish
They fall all over themselves
Giving comfort to those who hate them
And would kill them with glee.

Watch how they walk
And watch how they speak
Protected for far too long
Safe, spoiled, and secluded.

It is easy for them
To sell out the rest
All for a false notion
Of superiority and status.

But even they cannot see the truth
Adding up, on the frontier
Pushing at the gates
And scrambling over the walls. 

How they have twisted the truth
Just to suit their feelings
Hiding behind cliches 
And an endless sea of lies.  

Bending over backwards
For everyone
But the good
And belittling all that was built
From nothing at all. 

The war against the individual
Has raged forever
As evil needs the many,
The masses and the dumb. 

Food for the dogs
And blind allegiance
Clay to be molded
And used at will.  

I am ready
And there is nothing
For me to fear
As I have, all I need
To survive.

What can anyone else do?
And what should I dread?
Nothing that my spirit can’t survive
And come back again. 

I do not fear the dumb
And I do not fear the violent
Nothing but animals
Opportunistic and predictable. 

Theirs is coming
And it's closer than you think
Just over the hill
With a hand on the knob.

I have watched
And I have learned
With a thirst for truth
No matter where it leads.

There are no more excuses
And there is no more regret
Nothing but what must be said
And what must be done.  

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