Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bailey's Branch

Bailey's Branch  12/24/2014

There is only one past 
But there remains two futures
As we live
In a world of bad choices
Long exploited and lost. 

Foolish and suicidal
We run headlong
Off every ledge
Hijacked by evil men 
Hell bent on destruction. 

In a perfect world
There is no pain
And no deception
But that world branched off
The day we knew.   

The past falls away
Ever more distant
And misunderstood
A place filled with longing
Unfinished and dumb.

It’s getting  harder and harder
To remember her voice
As the distance grows greater
Each and every day. 

The soft voice
Breathless and sleepy
Whispered between her teeth
And tickling my ear.

As I lay on my pillow
And drift in my dreams
I think of then
And I think of her.  

Life goes on
No matter what we do
But a part of me remains
Bleeding forever.   

My world is colorless
And my appetite suppressed
As I no longer desire
All that is left. 

We do our best
And we smile on cue
No matter what we think
Or what others do. 

We bury the symptoms
As long as we can
Hoping against hope
That all will heal. 

I am damaged
And I am marked
Never again to be as whimsical
Or as safe. 

I live guarded
And walk carefully
Tip toeing through a minefield
Of risk and revulsion. 

Nothing is safe
And nothing guaranteed
In a world of boundaries
And limits.

I am quiet
And I no longer weep
Because all the tears in the world
Cannot change a thing. 

The sun rises
And the rain pounds
Against my  window
Beating us down
One wrinkle at a time. 

I will always love you
Even if, I do not try
Because that river was crossed
And I cannot go back. 

Even if, this all unravels
I still have that
A quiet and whispered promise
Across a great white space. 

On the other side
All of this,
Will disappear
Leaving only the good
And the true. 

But the best thing 
May not be, what is there
But rather, what is absent.
And disappeared.

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