Friday, November 28, 2014


Scarecrow 11/28/2014

We laughed while we could
But now we weep
Head in hands
Doubled over
And retching.

There are things
That defy explanation
And there are random tragedies
That sweep us away.

We are left with the aftermath
Dumb and open mouthed
Unable to grasp
Or utter a word.

The rug is pulled out
And we are left on the bare floor
Alone, desperate,
And cold. 

I was normal
And then I was not
As my fingernails could no longer
Keep me from falling.

What happens
When you do all you can
But still come up empty
Free falling through space. 

I didn’t want to see
And I didn’t want anyone to know
As I swallowed my life
One gulp at a time. 

Strong enough to crush
But weakened by loss
Pale, naked,
Impotent, and ghastly.

Ghosts do not care
And ghosts cannot love
Disembodied remnants
Of unfulfilled dreams. 

Wandering the halls
But unable to touch
Forever moaning
At the moment of death. 

Some envy the living
And some envy the dead
But for those in the middle
Either way is best. 

To live is to love
And who should live
Without that
As we become nothing but data
To use and delete. 

To be loved
Is to be understood
But who can be known
Without risk
And loss. 

Love again
If you can
Because if we don’t
We never will. 

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