Friday, December 5, 2014

Remote Control

12/5/2014    Remote Control 

I don’t feel happy
And I don’t feel sad
Because all feelings seem pointless
When you feel nothing at all. 

Either way
The drudgery goes on
Devoid of all pleasure
Endless, gray and empty. 

I can’t say
That it doesn’t hurt
And I can’t say that
I am numb.

We wait for things
That will never happen
Mumbling in our sleep
As horror meets us halfway
And cuts our throat.

We can scream
And we can yell
But our voices do not matter
To the powerful 
And the protected.

While we argue
And while we fume
Our voices are drowned out
By a sea of ignorance. 

Infiltrated and overwhelmed
The way we were
Is no more
As we struggle to remember
All that we loved. 

I know what its like
To have a precious treasure
But then as now
We let it slip away
Murdered and mute.

Relentless is the onslaught
Against all who speak
And anyone who would dare
Notice the truth. 

A pattern of destruction
Is splattered on the wall
As every action and reaction
Points back to the source. 

The march goes on
One foot in front of the other
As we all shuffle on
Exhausted and sick. 

Those who run
Are shot
And those who drop

Our numbers dwindle
And our feet are bloody
Marched on endlessly
Without rest
Or sustenance.

And penalized
We go onward
Growing older
And weaker
Every passing day. 

Who can see it
The unmistakable point
Staring straight at you
With cold dead eyes. 

Impersonal and deadly
The deadly phalanx
Of robots and drones
Probing us all
And killing at will. 

We had the power
But we gave it away
The foolishness of man
As it chews
His own hand. 

We destroy ourselves
Over and over again
Never learning
And always grieving. 

The past rises up
As the future slips away
Reminding us all 
That love 
Really was enough.

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