Monday, December 15, 2014

Arctic Blast

Arctic Blast 12/15/2014

Shatter my heart
And let it lie
Glistening in the dark
Wet and red.

Now I am awake
And now I hear
Spread out in a shattered pattern
On slick concrete.

Some dreams
Are not meant to be
And some ideas
Are only just that. 

I have imagined
Far more
Than I have done
So bleed me more
And you will hear. 

Tilted and spinning
The end becomes the beginning
And I am back where I was
Mute as a spectator. 

No one can change it
But now I can see it
The hunger I could not control
Driving me on. 

Nothing is the same
And it never will be again
As I lay among the ashes
Buried with myself.

I have returned to where I left
Humbled and silent
On the wings of an angel
Swift and pale.

Obvious as a diamond bullet
Shot into space
In a line of straight inspiration
That never intersects. 

They are gone
And so am I
Sad, lonely,
And forgotten. 

I relive it
For the rest of my life
But the ending is the same
Every single night. 

Until we meet
I wait
In a thousand little pieces
Destroyed and destroying
Everything I can. 

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