Monday, December 8, 2014

Switch Plate

Switch Plate 12/8/2014

Somewhere else
It has already happened
The switch was flipped
And it is done. 

In the end
Just as in the beginning
The battle has already been fought
And won. 

We live it through
Just as we must
Tested by trials
And purified by fire.

The days drag by
And we grow weary
Trapped in a game
Of spiritual attrition. 

The future is here
And only cloaked from view
As we await to see
What we already know. 

But even if
All of this is true
We still must go on
And do what we can.

Let them all run
As they dive deep and fast
Because they have swallowed the hook
And will die in the end.

If you cross a river
You can always cross it back
And in the end
Everyone returns
To who they always were. 

Live it through
And live it well
As we push on through
And watch it
All fall down.    

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