Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Filtered 12/9/2014

Shot through a gray filter
The world becomes blue
And dead
Far away from me
Frozen in time.

But what you see
Is not always true
As the cold becomes hot
And lies become truth.

Flamers curl upward
And lick at the wood
Charring and consuming
Whatever they can.

I stare into the pulsing mass
Until my eyes
Are blazing stones of death
Contemplating all that is
And all that was.

In other ways
And in other places
Fires burn through the night
And burn through the day
Searing our conscience
Deadly and horrific. 

Across the prairie
The tumbleweeds blow
And down deserted roads
Ghosts moan
And stumble. 

Something’s we talk about
And something’s we don’t
But it’s the burning elephant
That everyone ignores. 

Unspeakable the terror
Hidden from view
As the dogs wait for a chance
With dripping teeth. 

The good have been sleeping
And many have been afraid
Coveting their reputation
More than the truth.  

Dare to look deeper
And stare into your soul
Searching for the real meaning
Behind every idea. 

The truth is known
Just as it always was
As big as a mountain
And written in the sky.

The ancients knew
But we have forgot
True then as now
The light and the glory. 

I didn’t know
And maybe I never will
Why we do what we do
And why we mourn 
All over again.

I wasted a lot of time
And I lost all my treasure
But sometimes you have to lose
To gain, what matters most.

Now I am free
Free as a ghost
Unburdened and unchained
No matter where
And no matter what. 

Shout out the names 
And pray for the truth
Unfiltered and unedited 
Brutal and beautiful.  

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