Monday, December 22, 2014


Scattered 12/22/2014

The world is dumb
One dimensional and dead
Flat against itself
Unable to question
Or grow. 

Infested, rotten,
And hollowed out
Consumed by parasites
Eating and breeding.  

The lights turn out one after another
As we grow dark
Fumbling around in our emotions
Without truth
Or conscience. 

Liars lie
For power and money
Amassing both
On the heads of others. 

The is more unseen
Than seen
And silence itself
Is the voice of complicity. 

The good are mutilated
Their names mangled
And forgotten
Purposely maligned
Every single day. 

What does it take
For the good to awaken
And what will it mean
If they sleep forever. 

Time ticks downwards
Another day and hour
As we retreat another inch
And become
Smaller and smaller. 

Anyone can listen
And anyone can be watched
But they are not the only ones
Who know what’s in our hearts.

God knows
Even if we hide
And God remembers
Even if we forget.

What is obscured
Will be revealed
Hauled out into the sunlight
For everyone to see. 

The truth outright
And written in the sky
As the roaches scatter
Too little
And too late.

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