Friday, December 12, 2014

Pin Point Zero

Pin Point Zero 12/12/2014

No matter how long it takes
Or how much we make
Everything must end
And fall backwards in time. 

Collapsing to a pin point
The years and the decades
Until it is nothing but a picture
Hung on a wall.

The good days and the bad
The hopes and the dreams
Become nothing but disassociated
Of a world long gone by. 

We walk around
Mere products of the past
Unaware of what made us who we are
As passing vignettes scroll through our minds. 

Packed in boxes
Dusty and unopened
The heartaches and disappointments
We avoid and fear. 

If we had the courage
We would examine every piece
Ruthlessly assessing where we went wrong
And why we did
What we did. 

But how often do men
Look inside their souls?
Rarely if ever do any
Seek to understand. 

I am no longer the same
And what suited me then
Will never suit me now
As I learn all over again
How to creep, crawl, and walk. 

We dance around the subject
And talk about the weather
Dysfunctional and shallow
Just as we always were. 

Suffering for no reason
And stumbling in the dark
As we fall backwards
Into primordial ooze. 

The risk is great
But so is the reward
Because love heals
Even when it hurts.

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