Friday, December 12, 2014


TGIF  12/12/2014

Today is another day
Full of fake smiles
And superfluous conversation
Superficial, and dumb. 

Place holders for a moment
That is already, lost to time
Completely forgettable
Dry, forced, and affected. 

It hurts even more
Once you know the truth
That all of it is pointless,
Wasted, and weak.

It could be better than before
If only, we had the guts
To hang up and stand up
And say, no fucking more. 

But isn’t that life
That we pretend we are okay
Even when we are bleeding
And even when we die. 

It was not okay then
And it’s not okay now
That we go on living
And talking in our sleep. 

Others have come and gone
And some are crushed along the way
Left for dead in a ditch
Broken, burned, and beaten.  

Crushed by opposing forces
Either planned or accidental
Sheered off by a confluence of interests
Saved up, 
Over time.

I am tired
And I am alone
Even in a perfect tall building
High above the street.

A building full of lost souls
On their way to destruction
Unaware and unconscious
In the middle of the day. 

The street is bustling
As people walk, side by side
Dissecting everything
Except what matters most.    

You can believe a lie
But that does not make it true
A jarring juxtaposition
Sacred and vile. 

The time for apologies
Is almost up
And the time to decide
Is now. 

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