Friday, October 31, 2014


Arise  10/31/2014

I was as dead
But now I live
And while once, I lost it all
I shall have it back again.

I am like a ghost
That haunts the living
But it took me long time
To become comfortable
In this alien skin.     

Where once, I suffered
Now I laugh
And where once, I was angry
Now I smile. 

It didn’t happen  in a day
And it didn’t happen in a month
But thank God
He found me
And pulled me up
By the roots.  

Come up, out of guilt
And shake the dust
Off your feet
Returning again
To what is real,
And what is true. 

Let others
Run around in circles
And let others
Think about the past. 

Busy protecting their reputations
And busy selling their souls
Watch them run
And watch them squirm.

It is not for me to say
And it is not for me to decide
So all I need to do
Is finish the race.    

I also, can walk the halls
And I also, can find my voice
Without fear
Or doubt. 

I am free as a ghost
Burning bright in flesh and blood
Able to transcend every barrier
Here or there.

Unafraid of living
And unrestrained by loathing
As I ride on the wind
Up and down.

Able to land where I will
And do barrel rolls
Over my enemies
Without guilt
Or self-loathing. 

I can forgive
And be forgiven
Wholly accepting
The love that I need
The kind
That lasts forever. 

At ease
Even as a stranger
In a strange land
And at home
Even as an alien without a country. 

Because this is all theirs
And not ours
So let them become trapped,
And stupid forever. 

But for me,
Let me have the freedom
And the peace 
The irreplaceable treasure
They will never understand.

They have their world
And we will have ours
One on its way down
And the other
That is to come. 

I will drive them mad
With my presence
And haunt them with my transcendence
As they flail in misery
And drown the dust.  

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Creeper 10/30/2014

Must be a million ways
To die without knowing
As destruction is always easier
Than living
And breathing. 

I could hold my breath
Until I float away
Locked in a trunk
Underneath the ocean.

Or I could curl up in bed
And pull up a black blanket
Burrowed under
Pills and booze.

But the journey upright
Calls me backwards
As I sit up
And try all over again.  

The sun still shines
Even when I am angry
And children still smile
Even when I am sad. 

And even strangers can be kind
Kinder than we are to each other
As we argue with family
Over nothing at all. 

We go on
Until there is no more
As we are spared from knowing
And remembering the end.

But the afterlife
Is not all that there is
As we witness
Each new day. 

A whole new world
Is always within reach
If only we knew
What to grasp. 

Split Second

Split Second 10/30/2014

Flicker flicker little flame
Burning hot and burning bright
All through the day
And all through the night. 

How many nightmares did you know?
And how many horrors
Have you seen?
In between cedar and elm
The dead, dying,
And blind.

We head around the corner
And out into the open
Where everyone can see
Vulnerable, immobile
Imperfect and dumb.

Offered up
As a blemished sacrifice
To be punctured and burned
In a few seconds of madness.

Nothing makes sense
And nothing seems certain
Until it comes down to money
And power.

What kind of secrets do we know?
And how far are we
From knowing?
Or understanding? 

People play at friends
And people play at enemies
Some fake
And some real. 

And no matter what you do
Or how careful, and alert
life happens
Both the good and the horrible.

So much that I thought
Turned out to be wrong
And so much that I feared
Turned out to be nothing.    

We stand
Mouths wide open
And yet we remain
Motionless and indecisive
Too afraid to live,
Or even ask why.

There will always be
More questions than answers
As we try and connect the dots
The best, that we can. 

We look for smoking guns
But that no longer matters
In a world off it’s axis
Illogical, hateful,
And murderously insane.     

We will know in the end
All it was, that we missed
But by then, it won’t matter
And we won’t care.   

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Five Decades

Five Decades 10/29/2014

If I could
I would change it all
And go backwards in my mind
Soaking up every detail  
And making it all mine.

But in a way
We already have
As we remember it in words
For others to embrace,
Feel, taste, and touch. 

Nothing is lost
And nothing is hidden
As it still exists
In another place and time. 

Others have tried to erase
What it was,
That came before
But they did not succeed then
And they cannot now. 

Raging against invisible enemies
Spasmodically lashing out in violence
As evil seeks to possess
And destroy. 

It is the same old battle
For the same old reasons
As the heroic survive adversity  
And harvest the fruit.

Born with the golden leaves on our heads
We learn to despise and reject
Pissing on the rugs
Woven by hand. 

We reject the truth
And believe lies
As we dance around
A golden calf. 

Fools believe in themselves
And can justify any act
To get what they want
Altogether unaware
And dead in the head. 

The truth remains
Just as it always did
But it is we who forgot
And called it a lie. 

Darkness descends on the foolish
And the easily swayed
Neglectful of the children
Unprotected and pure. 

Don’t be afraid
To tell them like it is
The raw truth
Unvarnished and deadly.

Be not prey
Be not a victim
But instead choose well
And live forever.    


Tribute 10/29/2014

We drank in the cemetery
And sweat in the sun
So we took refuge under a hardwood
And sat on the roots.

Of all the parties
This was the blackest
Chatting quietly
As if they could hear.

I walked around the tombstones
And calculated the dates
Mostly sons and daughters
Taken before their time.

It was a melancholy feeling
To know and to breathe
Enjoying a life underserved
And half understood. 

I guess its okay
If these words are insufficient
Because in the end
All we can do
Is our best at the time. 

I am searching for something
And I can only find
What is ahead
Or behind.

We live out our circumstances
And hopefully we stretch them out
Become something more
From the inside out. 

I stand on the shoulders of others
Far larger than me
And thus I am able to see farther
Than I ever could on my own. 

There may not be a laurel wreath
And there may not be a thanks
But gifts are just gifts
Be they large or small. 

This is what I have
Right here and right now
Let it be more
Than I think
And better than I deserve.

Either for me
Or for a stranger
We live out
What we have
So let it be more
And not less.

The drunks leave the party
And the dead rest in peace
All together we remain
Forever in words.