Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Licksplit 7/1/2014

Perhaps I spoke too soon
But I just can't wait forever
Because some things are hard to explain
Until you have seen
And until you know. 

Sometimes waking up is hard
So I just hit the snooze
But no one can snooze forever
Unless you want to die. 

I know what it feels like
To face the unthinkable
When all you want to do
Is crawl inside a hole. 

But no matter how much I tried
Life always drug me out
Because there were always others I loved
And I couldn’t leave them alone.

They needed me
And I needed them
So I kept on trying
Half hearted
And half dead. 

Evil rules the world
But the good have never given up
Even if at times
There were only a few.  

The spark has always burned
Even in the darkest night
Leading the lost
And illuminating the truth. 

Even in war
And even in famine
Through the pestilence
And the persecutions. 

Surviving against all odds
The hordes and the genocides
By the tiniest of fractions
The most valuable treasure has given comfort
And inspiration. 
Was it in a dream?
That I first felt it
Tingling down my spine
Or was it in the droplets
Falling on my head?

I can feel it now 
The peace in the middle of the storm
Driving me on 
in spite of the risk.  

Waiting for me to grasp
All that I have seen 
And waiting until I was strong enough
To ask.    

Others have also suffered
And others have also lost
Grieving day after day
And weeping for the past. 

Either way we have survived
And it doesn’t matter
If we think we deserved it 
But only how we act
And what we do.  
We can smile
And we can love
Even when it hurts
And even when it’s hard.

We are grown for the harvest 
And we are prepared for the test
For the challenges to come 
Win, lose, or sacrifice.    

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