Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dark Matter

Dark Matter 7/10/2014

Today is another day
As I shake myself awake
And head off to battle
Through another thankless day. 

We hear of wars
And we hear of attacks
But there is also a war
Inside our heads. 

Endless is the onslaught
That carries us away
Confusing our thoughts
And stealing our joy. 

The memories
Emotions and imaginations
Come at unpredictable times
Random distractions
From what matters most. 

But there is always more
Than what meets the eyes
And where the truth is hidden
Plots are hatched
And evil thrives.

We look one way
And chase after a carrot
While the other hand
Silently rises
Knife in hand. 

We see the waste
And we see the flash
But miss the demon
Unleashed in our midst.

Some people will jump
But others have to be pushed
And I was the one left falling
When everything I knew
Disappeared in the night.   

I fell forward
Head over heels
And I have been falling
For it seems like forever
Down, down, and into the dark. 

But even darkness
Has a beauty
Blacker than black
And hidden potential. 

It has no power
Unless I fear it
And it causes no pain
Unless I can feel it.

There is always more ahead 
Than what remains behind
And even if, I can't see it
God will still catch me
Before the end. 

I grew in the black
Hidden in the womb
And fragile was my life
Both given and taken. 

The secrets are kept
And some lost to time
But he who made me
Always knows and remembers. 

We can take the long way
Or we can cut straight through
Like a diamond through a vacuum
On our way to forever.

When I dream
The dead rise up
And when I pray
My heart is healed.   

This is what I have
And this is who I am
Just one among many
But still ready to do 
Whatever I will.    

If I tried to stop it
I wouldn’t do any good
So I might as well look
And I might as well write.

Control is for the weak
And hypocrisy for the proud
But great challenges
Are a gift
To be relished 
On the flip side around.   

Greatness is not always obvious
And strength is often well hidden
At least for the strong
And also the loving. 



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