Friday, July 11, 2014


Sometimes 7/11/2014

Sometimes I wonder
When all of this will stop
Because nothing has ever changed
At least since I was born. 

The onslaught has continued
From them until now
And only the speed has increased
As we near the fall. 

If everything has an end
Then where does this go?
As the endless streams of stupidity
Just go on forever. 

The world is a one way street
Of decay and corruption
As everything that is good
Is trampled and squandered. 

And its all nothing
But a long clumsy suicide
As we stumble over each other
Razor in hand.

There were always promises
And there were always assurances
But if nothing is ever done
Then nothing ever changes.  

Every time we squirm
The grip just gets tighter
And every time we give in
They always want more.

We fight for air
And find just a little
Just enough to keep us going
For a few minutes more.    

You would think
That we would learn
How to say no
But many live in fear
Over nothing at all.    

The world will make you feel worthless
And the world will get you down
As we jump through ever more hoops
Just to keep
Less and less. 

We should have survived enough by now
To know, not to worry
But because we are dumb
We are also blind.

Break on through
For me and for you
Because tomorrow is today
And today is gone.   

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