Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hurricane Shoals

 Hurricane Shoals  7/17/2014

Black out the morning
And black out the sun
Because this world is diseased,
Sick, twisted, and dumb.

The sweet sickly smell of death
Swirls in the clouds
As we count our children
And pray for the best.

It is good to love
And it is good to care
But beware the manipulations of evil men
To use the innocent
And the defenseless. 

Others have stormed the beaches
But some will crawl in the back
Either way, the result is the same
With the passage of time. 

I can start the story
But it is for you to finish
As we each live out
What we decide.

It takes courage to speak your mind
But it takes guts
To endure the labels
As we get another chance
Every single hour.

I drove to the desert
Just to shed my skin
Hoping to emerge
New and clean. 

To start all over
With new eyes
And make my life over
Better than before. 

But no matter
How hard you scrub
We remain the same
Unless we renew our hearts
From the inside out. 

The outer man
Belongs to the world
But the inner is where we think
And make decisions. 

And the day we think
About what we are thinking
Is the day we can choose
And open the door.    

That is the day
Of new beginnings
As slowly we become
Something entirely different.

I have waged war
In the battlefield of my mind
Praying in the day
And praying at night.

The world is silent
But I keep on going
Making myself nothing
In the eyes of others.   

The story goes on
But it was never about me
As I get off the boat
And sink my feet in the surf.

The beach is here
And it feels good
As we move forward
One inch at a time.  

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