Monday, July 14, 2014

Down and Out

Down and Out   7/14/2014

We can stay in the stream
Or we can
Go off script
Deciding ourselves
Fact and fiction.

I dream when I can
And I wake up in the morning
Still treading through the nightmare
Surrounded by the dead.  

Cut it long ways
So it takes longer to stanch
Or cut off my air
Until I collapse.

Because what else could I do
To kill the time
Boring me to death
Eating me alive.

The unconscious
Can’t remember
And they wake up
In a different world. 

As their brain resets
So does their vision
And they forget
Yesterday’s terror.

Drugs alter the chemistry
And booze will numb the pain
Until we think, we are invincible
And not wasted at all. 

Turn my head to the side
So I can see the white spaces
Where everything is cold,
Perfect, and pure.

Cinch it up tighter
Until it feels like a bruise
The kind that aches
With fullness and pleasure. 

High enough to be beautiful
But not so much
To be afraid
Where time stands still
Motionless in your head. 

I dreamed
That the dead were rising
And that they stirred
From eternal sleep
More alive,
Than we are dead.

We are more than what you see
And we are more than what they fear
Fully alive and fearless
Fully awake and aware. 

Now its past midnight
And all the red lines are disappeared
All because no one noticed
And all because no one cared. 

They stood me up for the slaughter
Like a lamb
And like a fool
Cut down in the middle
Unaware and unprepared. 

But I am not alone
And neither are you
As more have gone on before
Than are left,
Here and now.    

Fiction makes sense
And lies happen every day
But the truth is like a sword
Cutting through
And cutting down. 

Fill the sky
With joy
Because now we see,
And now we know. 

Our eyes are opened
Both inside and out
And he who believes  
Shall be saved
To see and know it all.

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