Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hole in the Wall

Hole in the wall   7/8/2014

The ghost is inside the man
And the man is inside the moon
Living on the dark side of happiness
All the way to the end.

I can take it
Or I can leave it
That is how it is
And that’s how it was
As the inner takes over the outer
With nothing left to lose.

They can hate it
Or they can love it
But either way it’s good to know
That reality takes it all
Ready or not.

I stare at the pictures
One dimensional and dead
But that is all we are allowed
In the here and now. 

Ask me how it feels
But don’t ask for an explanation
Because no one knows for sure
The deep dark shades of death.

Ask me what I want
And I will tell you now
To live fully
And hold nothing back. 

Swing out backwards
And kick out your feet
Then curl back over
And punch through the glass.

Make a bloody mosaic
Beautiful to see
Sparkling on the ground
Like shattered diamonds.

Unforgettable are the bright flames
Perfect and untouched
Burning through our lives
Like what we once dreamed
But never examined. 

I fire off the words
Into cold white space
More than what I could have imagined
Before I ever knew.

My hands move easily now
And my fingers are flying
Poking at the keys
As fast as I can think. 

Now I am me
And living just to be alive
Laughing just because I can
Because that is what stays with you
Even after, everything is gone. 

So many are here
In my thoughts
And in my mind
But I wonder what they see?
Having passed away
Not knowing at all. 

This is not about me
And if it doesn’t cut
Then it’s no good at all
Nothing but the senseless ramblings
Of a mad man
At the end of the world.

But even an ending is good
Because then everything is new
As we start all over
Without forgetting
What we knew. 

Let this little flicker
Burn through the night
And rest in our brains
One for me
And two for you. 

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