Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Birthday 7/29/2014

It was a hot at the cemetery
And the sun beat down
On the back of my neck
But I was glad that I was there
Whether it mattered or not.   

It felt a little strange
As we stood in a half circle
Lifting up our glasses
To a piece of granite. 

I hope you noticed
And I hope you laughed
Because that is what life is for
With all its awkwardness, and absurdity. 

We live stiffly and walk with a purpose
But seldom take the time
To hold and caress
As if strangers are more important
And care at all. 

But a young life
Is like a ball of fire
Hurtling through space
And throwing sparks in all directions. 

I have faith
And it feels real
As they arranged your birthday gifts
And forced out smiles. 

I am sorry for this world
So dumb and lifeless
As it careens from disappointment
To mindless disaster. 

You shouted to this world
Who you were
But it cannot hear
What it does not know. 

Here is to you
As you grow and serve
Bigger and higher things
Than all the great minds of this world
So full of nothing at all. 

Dream bigger dreams
And make them all come true
Fully alive
And fully free. 

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