Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dark Bay

Dark Bay 7/2/2014

I watch it
And it watches me
Recording my keystrokes
And everything I read.

But I can also watch
And I can also learn
Reading between the lines
To find the truth
Between the lies. 

There are no more accidents
And there are no more mysteries
As everything you ever needed to know
Is hidden under your nose.

What we thought was impossible
Has become a living nightmare
As the real wars rage in secret
Invisibly killing
Numbers unknown.

Laws become a nuisance
And regulations obscene
As imaginary enemies
Are endlessly punished. 

The carefree days are over
And all the easy smiles are gone
As now we face the task
Endless and grim.

Just because you are grateful
Does not mean that others are
And just because you have soul
Does not mean you are immortal. 

The end comes
Falling like a cinder block
Or stomping on your head
Like an animal
Loose on the street.

I have turned it over
And now I remain
As one piece of iron
Swimming in the clay. 

Dreams are dreams
But where they come from
Is not always, what we think
More powerful than memory
The windows of tomorrow. 

Anxiously we wait
And wonder
About all, we have done wrong
While others latch on
In involuntary hatred

A window is passing
For man to do his worst
All of it on purpose
And according to plan. 

The good also watch
And the good also wait
Ready at any hour
No matter how late
Or how long. 

Wary of the sudden strike
Or the slow infection
Each equally deadly
And each one
Done in the dark. 

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