Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Turning

The Turning 7/9/2014

The world goes on
And normalcy endures
For just enough people
To keep us all going
And keep us all insane. 

Some crumble
And some give up
Quietly fading away
In hotel rooms.

Some move on
To bigger and better things
As they sell us all
A polished facade.

But others fall down
Or burst into flames
Either by suicide
Or addiction. 

But I was never comfortable
In my own skin
A stranger in a strange land
Alien and odd. 

Always able to rationalize
Staying in one place
Even if it was death
And servitude.

As I grew to love
The golden chains
Tethering me to a life
Doled out in small degrees.

I thought I was safe
And I thought in small steps
That I could maintain
And acquire
All that I wanted. 

But life is not nearly as incremental
As many would think
As we are interrupted
And caught in the middle
High, dry, and worthless.

The old world has died
At least it did for me
Gone in an hour
Right beneath my feet. 

I sit and I watch the people
Walk, talk and laugh
Chasing children
And driving in cars.

They have not seen it
And they do not know
That all that they love
Is both fragile
And temporary. 

Perhaps they wonder about me
All used up
And sad
But how could they even guess
All that it felt like.

I pray for all of them
Even those who forgot
That they to, will turn
And believe. 

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