Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Thresher 7/9/2014

The deep blue
Holds the secrets
That nobody wants to see
The kind for which we have mourned
But forgotten along the way. 

Like a bruise on the heart
That you forget
After it heals
But fear its return
Every single day. 

So are the monsters
In our mind
Swimming deep in a trench
Six miles down. 

Blue, gray, green, and black
The colors of deep mystery
Buried in our minds
And stretching backwards
Into infinity. 

The murky depths
Are like the past
Primeval and instinctual
Guiding us even now
Inside our DNA. 

The rocky Neolithic foundation
Deep under the ground
With heavy stones
Fused into place.  

Some will go with the flow
Just as they always have
But the flow leads to death
Where only the dead fish go. 

There are revolutions
And counter revolutions
But this is devolution for sure
As the hand that feeds is cut off
And shoved down your throat.

When the truth is suppressed
Then you know something is wrong
And the truth is nowhere to be found
Dead, dumb
And stuffed in the ground. 

A person of reasoned thought
Should never fear opposition
But evil men with hate in their hearts
Lie, suppress, and steal. 

The future is here
And more ugly than ever
Like a mass of rotted fish
Floating in acid.  

Always look around
And be ready to fight
Because evil abounds
In the depths of darkness. 

The good are dying
While the ignorant rejoice
Too dumb to see
The deadly signs.   

The dead will rise
And stun the living, into silence
While the cowards run
And bleed from their mouth.

But all the pleading in the world
Cannot save the unrepentant
As they lower themselves
With savagery and murder. 

Mark the day
And watch the shadows collect
Because something has changed 
And all the masks have fallen.    

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