Friday, July 18, 2014

Double Double

Double Double 7/18/2014

Far away from here
The cage has been opened
And demons walk free
To adulation and praise.

This is their time
And this is their world
As they run rampant
And kill at will.

But evil is evil
And lies are part of the game
As they point their fingers in all directions
When they themselves
Are to blame. 

They might be true enemies
Or inconvenient friends
But all will coalesce around the inevitable
No matter what is said or done. 

Low wattage robots
Do what they are told
Without question or thought
They obey and breed.

But abstract thought
And higher philosophy
Will be fought and eliminated
Anyway they can. 

Wars come
And wars go
But others go on unabated
Generation after generation.

But how can you win
If you cannot speak it?
And how can good survive
If it is called evil.?   

I pray for my family
And I pray for my friends
That we may survive
Another day,
And another year. 

I love on my kids
And I look over my shoulder
Because knowing is everything
If you want to survive. 

Avoid the crowds
And do what you can
Fighting the war inside your head
With every thought and deed. 

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