Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Calculated 7/30/2014

Sometimes I stare off into space
Bewildered and speechless
But others times I am focused
And really try to care. 

Some people are wired differently
And some people
Only want to win
Sacrificing everything
For just a few points more. 

I have been angry
But today I am just tired
Because what point is it?
To be offended
When it is all
Just dumb and sad. 

There is always a price to pay
Especially if you care
And the good will always be sacrificed
Over and over again. 

Unspoken rituals
Amuse the powerful
And the wealthy,
But for the average man
It is all work and toil. 

We are the hostages
And expendable pawns
Suicidally offered
In a game of chicken.

Valuable only as consumers
Or subjects. 
We are manipulated and guided 
Weighed and guided 
Cradle to the grave.  
Thinking people
Are their enemy
And all philosophy
They abhor.

Power and control
Are the obsessions
Of the weak
As they seek to become god
And engineer death.

Scrambling behind closed doors
And manufacturing memes
Anything to distract
And persuade.

No lie is to absurd
And no stone is left unturned
As they seek to deny the truth
And overwhelm the good. 

But knowledge survives
And rebellion burns
In the hearts of those who love
Freedom, discovery, and truth.  

It is the fear
We must each conquer
Because no battle can be won
If it cannot be declared.     

The romance maybe gone
But for those with imagination
There will always be a future
Alive with dreams. 

The search goes on 
And the battle is joined
Each and every day
We try.    

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