Monday, July 28, 2014


Waterlogged   7/28/2014

Some things take time
And some things cook slow
Simmering, bubbling,
Stewed or roasted. 

Underneath our feet
The rocks move imperceptibly
And inside our chest
The blood surges and flows. 

Water swells up
And percolates down
Saturating everything
In between. 

There is so much that changes
And there is so much that moves
Constantly dying
And regenerating.

I can feel time
Passing by
But maybe it isn’t
What I think it is.

The light passes through me
And the light burns within
Full of information
We cannot see or measure. 

Things happen
In tiny ways
That we do not see
Or notice.

With no starting point
That is discernable
Deep within
And growing. 

But other things are large
And of colossal scale
Building up to a point
Where the whole world
Turns over. 

By the time we notice the symptoms
The disease is full blown
More than likely spread
And sometimes fatal.

Vile creatures
Will find one another
And film it all
Never noticing
That their ship is sinking. 

Yes this ship
Was built to sink
And no one did a thing
When the water seeped in. 

Now we panic
And now we rush
As the rats gnaw on each other
And try to escape.   

If you don’t know
Then you can be stampeded
Driven to believe
And to act. 

Jump up
And jump out
Because the former things
Are over
And cannot come back. 

It’s foolish to look back  
And a folly to try and capture
The small pieces of comfort
Fading fast.   

We are either iron
Or we are clay
But we should stick together
For one is strong
And made to last.

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