Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt  7/15/2014

One hand pulls out a scarf
While the other steals the show
Just another shell game
To distract and confuse. 

There is always more
Than what you see
And what we see
Is nothing but a show. 

What we see has not changed
But deeper down
The secrets grow
And beyond imagination.

While we refine and squeeze
The same old things
A whole different world
Exploits the new,
Surging outwards
And in between.

We are used like commodities
And drained of free will
Used up and discarded
Like fuel and waste.

Everything is devalued
And everything is trash
As we devolve to the mean
Far behind
And far below. 

All that others worked for
Is worth nothing now
As it all falls into ruin
Abandoned and defunct. 

A fake elite
Amasses power
But seeks not
What is right
Or what is true.

But instead
Imagines themselves as gods
And the rest of us
As evil.  

But this isn’t the first time
That we have forgotten
And this isn’t the first time
That we have tried.

Either way
The end is the same
As an unexpected result
Changes everything. 

We are not alone
And we are not gods
But only men
Given a gift
That no man, should ignore. 

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