Friday, July 11, 2014


Ellipse 7/11/2014

Swift and silent
Ships move in space
Slicing through the black
Straight in
And straight out. 

My mind travels at night
But comes home
In the morning
Sending and receiving
Mysteries in my head. 

Deceit is thick
Like a hot summer evening
Covering our eyes
Like a thick black blanket. 

Because there is always more hidden
Than what we can see
And what we believe
Is much more
Than what we know. 

The hours tick by
Painfully slow
But ravages everything
Before we can see.    

The enemy is a friend
And all our friends are enemies
As we surround ourselves
With the stunted
And emotionally disturbed. 

But even in disappointment
Life is beautiful
And love is sweet
So we might as well enjoy
All that is left. 

Danger is always there
And death always waits
But even they shall pass
Frustrated and dead. 

If I could
I would go backwards
And relive it all again
Wasting less time
And not missing a thing. 

But that is a Privilege
We have yet to explore
As we are trapped in a bubble
Both transparent
And opaque. 

God looks down
And pokes his finger at me
Just to wake me up
And keep me going. 

I am loved
Even though I suffer
And I am blessed
Even if I am hidden.

There is always promise
And there is always a chance
So let us embrace what we have
And know
There is soo much more. 

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